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Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award was established in 1975 by the Board of Directors of the Potomac State College Alumni Association. The honorees are chosen by an ad hoc committee in May and the award is presented at the Homecoming banquet each fall.

Plaques with award recipient’s names are located inside the main entrance of the Administration Building.


  1. This award is to be made for exceptional service and dedication to Potomac State College and/or its Alumni Association, and in excess of service rendered for which remuneration is received.
  2. The award is not restricted to alumni of the College.
  3. This award need not be given every year; however, more than one award can be given per year. Under special circumstances, the award may go to the same person more than once.              
  4.  The person or persons receiving the award should be able to be present at the banquet, or at the discretion of the Awards Committee, another candidate may be chosen, or the award may be omitted altogether.

To nominate a person for the Potomac State Alumni Distinguished Service Award you may click here to complete a Distinguished Service Award Form.

View the list of the honorees of the Potomac State College Distinguished Service Award.

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